The Best Wireless Headset! Sennheiser GSP 670 Review

I’ve had the wonderful Sennheiser GSP 670 in my possession since Computex. Sennheiser makes great audio hardware, but software not so much. I haven’t actually been able to use this pair because of BSOD’s and nasty audio distortion. The driver’s software was even crashing my video editing programs like Davinci Resolve when you plug in the USB port and the CPU usage for the drivers was over 15% but all that has been resolved with a new final stable release of the software. This, my friends, is my full experience with Sennheiser’s first wireless gaming headset, the GSP 670.
I think wireless audio has always been important for gaming as it’s always been about that whole cable-free convenience. With any wireless gaming headset, it’s not perfect but the GSP 670 is the best sounding wireless gaming headset in my collection.
All right, so in usual Sennheiser fashion accessories are non-existent. All you get is a wireless dongle and the micro USB charging cable. These are PC and PS4 compatible with a two year warranty, and in case you needed bank account clearing, these are right for the job at $350. Ouch.
But can we just talk about the new wonderful black color design with a few Titanium hints all around the ear cups? Gone is the red and black color scheme from the previous GSP lineup. Now its this kind of discrete, all matte black, beautiful pair. It’s kind of weird to do praise something that is so almost boring, but gaming headsets are normally loud in appearance and this one’s nicely muted.
I didn’t even realize the side plates are removable for potential customization if you 3D print them or color them yourself as their current selection is not very ambitious. The frame is still massive and bulky and as far as I can tell, no changes have been made to slim it down and it’s only gone up in the weight by three grams versus the GSP 600. However, this is still a pretty heavy pair and when the Flight weight is all you need, the Cloud Flight takes the win.
Comfort and Fit
The clamping force is adjustable via the headbands, like on previous models that adds or releases the pressure of the bottom of the ear cup. If you have a more triangular face structure, this will work well by allowing the actual ear cups to angle. But even with the slightest pressure on my face, I’m getting a lot more concentration of pressure at the bottom of the ear cup instead the top, which is not really optimal. The only way to flatten the ear cups is to reduce or collapse the size extensions but then the headset becomes way too small and doesn’t really fit me.
Comfort wise, unfortunately I would take the Game series or the HD series, really any headset, over the GSP line any day. The ear cups are leatherette with suede contact surface, and the really nice memory foam-like padding delivers scary good sound isolation. For example, with any music listening right now, I would not be able to hear my own finger snaps. If you’re into the whole completely zoning out effect, these will not disappoint, just be mindful of your environment.
Now my ears do not touch the internal wall and same thing with Eber, which is good, but when Mike tried them on at Computex, his ears made contact with the driver wall despite playing around with the size extensions and the pressure adjustment.
Controls and Functionality
The volume wheel is like a fidget spinner, it’s so smooth and satisfying. It also acts as your power off switch when it’s in the lowest volume position with a nice tactile click. Sennheiser does not actually recommend you use this because the headset goes to sleep when it’s inactive, so you don’t really need to turn it off every time you don’t use it.
Beside the volume wheel, there’s a smart button to either enable surround sound mode or switch between different EQ presets. It can be assigned in the software with a nice visual pop up to indicate what’s active, but only on desktop and not while you’re in game and this notification can also be turned off.
The other wheel is your chat mix to balance in-game chat volume. On the other side is a micro USB port for charging, and a slide switch with multi functionality like checking battery status with a single slide, or if you hold it for two seconds, it activates pairing mode between 2.4 Gigahertz and Bluetooth node. The Bluetooth functionality built in here is excellent value added especially for the price points. However, this is not exactly outdoors friendly, so use it for office use only and Bluetooth in that setting is a bit less functional.
Now it is very important to mention that pairing can only be activated when the main dongle is not sending any audio. Once I pair that with my iPhone, I can listen to Bluetooth as long as the main PC and the dongle is not sending any audio. But as soon as I start to play anything on the computer, Bluetooth gets disconnected or the headset switches to the dongle because that always gets priority. Unfortunately, there’s no physical way to switch between sources for 2.4 Gigahertz and Bluetooth as that is based on the inactivity of the main dongle.
Audio Quality
As far as audio goes, this thing is incredibly satisfying for its category. In games, we have really powerful output at full blast with wonderful detail and just enough sparkle to hear that every bullet slicing through air and squad, with also very clear bass hits off distant mortar fire too. The sound stage is close but not too narrow with good indication of the size of your environment with appropriate positional cues.
The Cloud Flight in comparison just sounds muddy and it’s like what were they thinking? Although the Cloud Flight is more comfortable while the Arctis Pro Wireless from SteelSeries, which is the same price as these at $349 has less of an impact on the lower end. Compared to my GSP 500 with leather ear cups, the sound signatures are actually quite similar with wider sound stage and the cleaner signal on the wired pair.
As for the driver’s software, it’s not complete yet, but has a lot of features like customizing your own EQ curve and enabling surround sound with reverberation level adjustments. This can effect how spacious or how much more echoey the audio gets. You even get the sound tests for audio feedback that cycles between what you’ve created versus the full preset so you can hear before and after, which is quite nice.
I prefer a surround sound on the GSP 670 to be disabled. It does create a wider sound stage and makes things slightly more distant, but without too much of a sacrifice in detail. It has really nice stereo imaging, like the audio is coming in front of you, and not necessarily on the sides when the surround sound is disabled.
Inside the software’s microphone tab, we have a few voice enhancers. By default, vocal clarity is good for wireless fare, but the bass and detail is not exactly on par with what you get with the same microphone but on the wired pair, like the GSP 500 or 600. With wired you don’t have the same properties in terms of driver software outside of whatever is on your motherboard, but I feel like the depth and the clarity on the vocals is a lot more natural, not as compressed as what you get with the wireless pair. But I guess wired will always be better.
With the warm preset, I unfortunately did not hear any difference between that and off, which is strange because it’s supposed to give me more like broadcast quality vocals and I don’t feel like the software is doing anything. And the same thing can be said with the clear preset. Furthermore, in the mid section, you can adjust gain, side tone and noise gate. Maxing out the side tone lets you actually hear what you’re speaking. Having everything be so quiet, it’s actually really nice to hear myself and not be really muted. While noise gate lets you actually pick at what level the microphone starts to pick up the noise. If you’re in a really loud environment or if you’re speaking loudly, increasing the noise gate will help to eliminate those lower volume noises.
As for noise cancellation, I feel like they’ve done a really good job here as it limited keyboard noise for instance. The mid preset has pleasant character without too much processing on my vocals while trying to further isolate whatever’s happening outside of that vocal range. While maxing out the slider changes the vocal properties of your voice that’s understandable as there’s a lot more processing going on and it tries to cancel out anything that’s not right in front of your face.
Versus the HyperX Cloud Flight, a fantastic all around pair, the microphone quality on the Flight doesn’t compare to the GSP 670. First of all, it’s not a sensitive so it doesn’t pick up our voice as loud. Depth, clarity and bass is all better on the GSP 670. Lastly, the settings tab is mainly used for updates and the handy shortcut for the sound control panel, brilliant. These still need some work to do though as the visual battery percentage indicator does not sync with the battery percentage voice prompt on the headset itself, and the software must be running on your PC to enable surround sound or profiles, which is where the smart button, otherwise it does nothing. On the PS4, since there are no drivers, this is a stereo headset only.
Battery Life
And lastly battery life: it’s not the best, but it’s not terrible. Sennheiser claims up to 20 hours, and in my continuous usage at max volume, I got about 16 hours. So I guess it will be fine. But the good thing is the standby time on this thing is amazing, up to 30 days and the headset shuts off by itself when there’s no audio coming through; A nice battery saver built-in by default.
For conclusion, I would say the Sennheiser GSP 670 is the best sounding wireless headset currently out in the market right now. But it’s not for everybody as the fit on me is a bit ridiculous and might not fit larger heads that are maybe a little bit more square. The software needs work despite having a lot of cool features. Also not having a physical toggle between 2.4 Gigahertz and Bluetooth leaves me wondering why there’s a lot of space on here and would eliminate any guesswork especially because we do have a Bluetooth signal right beside the volume wheel. You think that it would illuminate with the, when the Bluetooth is connected, but nope.
And of course you got to pay the premium for the wireless freedom. That, by the way, is actually one of the worst I’ve tested in the wireless headset. Beyond four meters with a direct line of sight to the dongle, the headset cuts out with nasty distortion or just completely loses audio through just the one single wall. Whereas other headsets that I’ve tested, even $50 headsets, have much better range and I’m not exactly sure why this is happening with a $350 pair. But I don’t really want to end it on a negative note because all wireless gear have some form of compromises, but the audio quality on the GSP 670 is the new wireless standard.
Buy items in this video from Amazon at the links below:
CM MM830:
GSP 670: Coming Soon
GSP 500:
GSP 600:
GSP 300:
Cloud Flight:
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